Sunday, August 26, 2012

recently my sweet friend Becca and I cooked up a little scheme together. well, maybe not a scheme, exactly. i'll call it a plan. we were both sort of in transition, see. both newly married, she just out of college and in a new-ish church and me just out of Indiana and in that same new-ish church. both of us in a new small group, and although we were both liking it (very much! that's where we met!), we were wanting some more intimate time over the Word with other women. so the scheming began a little like this (one sunday morning after the service):

rachel, tentatively: so i've been thinking...wondering....what if we were to get together and spend some time, just the ladies, in the Word together? maybe reading the same thing together, or memorizing something together, or praying together...?

becca, enthusiastically (but still sweetly, as always): sounds great! we should do it! i've done something like that in the past and i've been missing it!

rachel thinks: hmmmmm. well, that was easy. what took me so long to bring it up?

so then over coffee and scones (where the best of plans are made) we came up with a tentative plan. we agreed we'd open it up to the four other ladies in our small group, and i volunteered to e-mail everyone.

so i did. and that e-mail led to a flurry of about 15 responses (from the four other ladies, who obviously were very excited as well), all saying that of course they would participate and most of them offering to host our time together.

and it was as simple as that!

except that as it turned out, our plan had one small problem (from my point of view, that is). i'll save it for the next post, though.


  1. cliff hangerrrrrrrr! and why do we put those kinds of things off?!

    1. i know -- that's a classic move for me, wishing for something and just assuming (rather than asking) that I can't do something to move things along.

  2. love this post, and Mercy is so right--we make the things that are simple seem so arduous. I think stepping out gives us opportunity to trust God with the results. And, I've been thinking about Becca--does she have a new job? And I'm wondering what you decided to study?

    1. no new job for Becca....but they do have other exciting changes afoot (that you can probably guess?)!

  3. Replies
    1. heehee. don't worry. I already have the post written....just finishing up the editing! (and choosing the perfect picture to go along with it, of course) soon, very soon.

  4. ....aaaaand you still haven't posted it
